Badam Sharbat


  • Badam giri – 100 grams
  • Sugar – 1 kg
  • Citric acid – ¼ teaspoon
  • Cardamom – 10 (crushed)
  • Water – 700 mL
  • Almond essence – ½ teaspoon
  • Sodium benzoate – ½ teaspoon


1. Soak almonds for 4 hours.

2. Peel them and grind in the mixer.

3. Boil water.

4. Separate half of the boiled water.

5. In the remaining water, add sugar, citric acid and cardamom to make one string sugar syrup.

6. Cool down the separated water.

7. Now, add almond paste to the cooled water. Let it sit for some time.

8. After some time, strain it through a muslin cloth.

9. When the sugar syrup is cooled, add both the mixtures and stir.

10. Now add preservatives and essence and store in a bottle.